Paediatric cardiology
We offer inpatient and outpatient services for the diagnosis and management of heart conditions for infants, children and young adults in conjunction with the Evelina London Children's Hospital (opens in a new window) and the Royal Brompton Hospital.
We work closely with these cardiac centres for children with congenital heart disease - from birth through to planning for any interventions or surgery and follow-up in specialist paediatric cardiology outpatient clinics.
We have on-site digital paediatric echocardiography (an ultrasound of the heart) and access to other non-invasive investigations, including electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure and oxygen saturation monitoring, exercise testing, tilt testing, ambulatory ECG and cardiac event recording.
Contact details
Tel: 01372 735 735 extn. 6921
Patient information
How to access the service
Your GP can refer directly into this clinic for suspected heart conditions, including:
- Heart murmurs
- Chest pain
- Palpitations with dizziness or faints
- Screening for family history of congenital heart disease
- Cyanosis
- Suspected Kawasaki disease .
Referrals should be made via the electronic referral system (ERS).
Further information
The Children's Heart Foundation (UK) (opens in a new window) has further information about caring for children with heart conditions.
Key staff
Dr Adam Carter, Consultant Paediatrician with expertise in cardiology.