Ophthalmology (eyes)
COVID-19 Ophthalmology service update
Emergency eye service
Our emergency eye service at St Helier is open as usual from 8.30am-4.30pm Monday to Friday. Please note that the Eye Unit does not open on Bank Holidays. However, we are not able to accept walk-in patients at this time. All patients will need to be triaged over the phone by a consultant ophthalmologist, and where possible, patients will be given advice over the phone. Walk-ins will be turned away with advice to phone for triage, given advice, or an appointment.
Outpatient appointments
We have cancelled all non-urgent outpatient appointments until June and have moved all other appointments back a few months to create capacity. Many of the appointments have also been changed to a telephone appointment. You will be contacted in advance of your appointment to let you know if it will be a face-to-face or telephone appointment.
New appointments
New referrals will be triaged by our consultants, who will determine whether a face-to-face or telephone appointment is required. Where appropriate, routine conditions may have the referral rejected and the patient referred back to the GP/optometrist with advice and guidance.
All non-urgent operations, including day case cataract, retina, and glaucoma surgery has been postponed. Surgery for urgent, sight-threatening conditions is still going ahead. Patients will be contacted individually.
Intravitreal injections for age-related macular degeneration, diabetic maculopathy, and retinal vein occlusion will continue, however, the assessment for these patients may be by telephone rather than face-to-face, and the interval between injections may be extended in high risk patients.
Ophthalmology (eyes)
We provide a wide range of general and specialist eye care services, including:
- Emergency Eye Service
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- Paediatric
- Retina (medical and surgical)
- External eye disease
- Eyelids
- Ocular surface disease
- Corneal disease
- Minor operations
- YAG laser - see YAG Laser Capsulotomy information sheet [pdf] 100KB
- Oculo-motility clinics
- Orthoptic hospital services and community screening services
- Low vision rehabilitation
- Contact lens services
- Botox treatments for Blepharospasm
- Neonatal screening
- Vitreoretinal.
We can provide many of our services in one-stop clinics to facilitate speedy diagnosis and treatment.
We offer an urgent care service for patients who self-refer to our Emergency Eye Service. Telephone advice is also available from an experienced ophthalmic triage nurse - please call our emergency telephone line on 020 8296 3817.
Our team
The ophthalmology team consists of orthoptists, ophthalmologists, opticians and ophthalmic nurses.
Ophthalmologists are doctors who specialise in eyes. They examine the health of the eyes, diagnose and treat diseases of the eyes and carry out eye surgery. They may measure the eyes (refraction) and prescribe glasses.
Orthoptists are involved in the assessment of vision in children and adults and primarily specialise in the diagnosis, management and treatment of Amblyopia (lazy eye), squints, movement disorders, and binocular diplopia (double vision).
Optometrists (opticians) are qualified to prescribe glasses. They may carry out a glasses check (refraction) objectively with drops or subjectively without drops.
Ophthalmic nurses are specially trained in eye conditions. They provide pre-operative and post-operative care, triage patients in the emergency eye unit, administer children's eye drops and facilitate and support the eye care team.
We also have a Eye Clinic liason officer. These are members of staff who can help with practical issues like how to cope with poor sight and how to arrange other issues like sight impairment registration. We have one part time ECLO at Epsom Hospital and one at St Helier hospital.
Key staff
Mr S Harsum
Clinical Director of Head, Neck and Ophthalmology
Subspecialties: retina (medical and surgical), eye casualty, cataract
Miss J Leitch
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Subspecialties: paediatric, ocular motility, cataract
Miss Farzana Rahman
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Lead for the Macular Service
Subspecialties: Medical retina, uveitis, cataract, eye casualty
Consultant Ophthalmologist and Clinical Lead
Subspecialties: paediatrics, ocular motility, neuro-ophthalmology, cataract
Mr EJK Lee
Consultant Ophthalmologist, College Tutor and Audit Lead
Subspecialties: retina (medical and surgical), eye casualty, cataract
Mr A Narang
Consultant Ophthalmologist and Lead for Eye Casualty
Subspecialties: retina (medical), eye casualty
Mr Beng Ong
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Ophthalmology Clinical Governance and Audit Lead
Subspecialties: Cataract, retina, laser, intravitreal therapy
Miss Andrena McElvanney
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Subspecialties: ocular surface, oculoplastics, cataracts
Mr Ramu Muniraju
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Surrey National Diabetic Eye Screening Service
Subspecialties: retina (medical), retinal laser treatments, cataracts, eye casualty
Mr P Ursell
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Subspecialties: Ocular surface, cornea, cataract
Mr Chris Panos
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Subspecialties: glaucoma, cataract
Dr S Izadi
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Subspecialties: retina (medical and surgical)
Mrs M Okoro
Lead Nurse for Ophthalmology
Mrs L Ring
Nurse Consultant
Mr Arinda Channa
Head Orthoptist
Mrs Ann Ryan
Eye Clinic Liaison Officer
Cathy Long
Eye Clinic Liaison Officers
Heidi Barron
Kate Hartnett
Head of Nursing
Ramona Lichi
Senior Sister
Eye clinic patient support and information
We provide a wide range of information, advice and support services, including:
- Patient support at the time of diagnosis of an eye condition that has caused or may cause substantial sight loss
- Information about eye conditions
- Advice on low vision aids and other resources to assist with daily living tasks, reading and writing
- Referrals to, or contact informaiton for, other agencies.
We specialise in sight loss problems. You are welcome to come without a referral.
Poster and contact detail cards are available in the waiting areas of the eye unit and the Patient Information Centre at St Helier Hospital.
Key staff
Ann Ryan
Eye clinic liaison officer
Justine Jasper / Cathy Long
Eye Clinic Liaison Officers
Opening hours
In clinic: Monday – Tuesday – Thursday - Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm. Please note that the Eye Unit does not open on Bank Holidays.
24-hour answerphone service on 020 8296 2000 ext 8718 or 07920650613 (please leave your name, contact details and any message)
You can also email enquiries to annryan@suttonvicion.org.uk or annmarie.ryan1@nhs.net.
At Epsom hospital Eye Unit on Friday morning 0900-1230
Email enquiries to dutyeclo@sightforsurrey.org.uk or info@sensoryservices.org.uk
Cataract surgery
Your GP has referred you to us because they think you may need a cataract operation. Cataract surgery is the most common surgical intervention performed in the NHS. Eye surgery at our hospital is performed using the most up to date techniques available.
Our team is made up of highly skilled and experienced consultant ophthalmic surgeons and nurses. We train around eight doctors every year, who go on to become consultants in hospitals across the UK including Moorfields Eye Hospital. Our staff regularly present new research at international meetings and are recognised across the world as experts in their fields.
Routine cataract surgery
Routine cataract surgery is performed using a technique called small incision cataract surgery, which results in quicker healing. To help you prepare for your surgery we have produced a comprehensive information leaflet, about what to expect, which gives you lots of information about your eye surgery and how it is performed.
When you come to us for your appointment please follow the advice in the letter we sent you as it contains important information about what to do before, during and after your visit. At your initial assessment we will carry out all the tests and measurements necessary to prepare for your surgery.
- 98% of our surgery is performed under non-invasive local anaesthetic and 2% as general anaesthetic
- All patients are day cases
- We perform over 2500 procedures every year and audit our results continuously
- Compared to the national average, our results exceed the published standards of care for complications
We also perform complex combined procedures for anterior segment trauma, vitrectomy and glaucoma if needed.
If you have any questions about your eye condition or your surgery, please write them down before your first visit and we will do our best to ensure they are all answered.
Watch this new video produced by our Ophthalmology Team which offers step by step guide to procedure for patients.
Watch this short video produced by RNIB about cataract surgery. You can also read RNIB's cataract guide (opens in a new window).
Key staff
The following consultant ophthalmologists, perform cataract surgery:
Key staff
The following consultant ophthalmologists, perform cataract surgery:
Miss J Leitch
Mr P Ursell (lead for cataract surgery)
Mr E Lee
Mr C Panos
Miss S Izadi.
- Eye Unit, Woodcote Wing, Epsom Hospital
- Eye Unit, B block, St Helier Hospital.
- St Helier Hospital, B4 Ward
- Epsom Hospital, Day Case Unit.
Glaucoma screening
Glaucoma of some type is found in about two per cent of the population over the age of 40. It is estimated that more than 500,000 people suffer from glaucoma in England and Wales alone, with more than 70 million people affected across the world (International Glaucoma Association (opens in a new window) 2008).
The great majority of people have a chronic, slow to progress condition known as Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG). It has been shown that half of all cases remain undiagnosed, with people of African-Caribbean descent at greater risk.
It is therefore extremely important to attend an optician for an eye test - not just for glasses but to review the health of the eye. The optician will examine your eyes as well as testing your visual field and the pressure inside your eye (intraocular pressure). If the optician finds a problem with any of these elements they will either refer you directly to the hospital eye service or to your GP for referral.
The visit to the hospital eye service will allow a healthcare professional with specialist qualifications and experience in glaucoma to carry out an in-depth assessment of your eyes. This will include checking your intraocular pressure and examining the back of your eye particularly the optic nerve head (optic disc).
You will need to have your pupils enlarged to make this examination as accurate as possible. Enlarged pupils can affect your vision so please do not drive to your appointment. You may also need to have your visual field tested with a slightly more sophisticated machine than available in the majority of high street opticians.
Please do not worry if you have been referred into the hospital eye service as the aim of all treatments for glaucoma is to lower the intraocular pressure and slow the progression of the disease. The first line of treatment is usually eye drops and your healthcare professional will choose the most appropriate one for you. You may have to try a few different eye drops to find the one most suited to you personally.
There are many sources of information about glaucoma but we would recommend that you visit the International Glaucoma website (opens in a new window) as this has a wide range of information for you to access.
Key staff
Mr Chris Panos BSc DM FEBO MRCOphth
Consultant and lead clinician
Mrs Lynn Ring
Nurse Consultant
Macular degeneration service
The eye is like a camera with the retina acting as the film at the back of the eye, which processes pictures and sends them to the brain. The macula is the central and most sensitive part of the retina (the film).
Macular degeneration is a serious condition that can lead to blindness. There are two types of macular degeneration, dry and wet.
Dry macular degeneration / dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Dry macular degeneration is a slowly progressive disease of the retina which causes loss of central vision. This is usually age-related but can have a genetic and environmental component.
Dry macular degeneration may cause slow and progressive damage to the film (retina) and cause central visual distortion or even blank patches in the centre of vision. Dry macular degeneration usually does not affect peripheral (outer) vision.
There is no cure for dry macular degeneration but some aids like stronger glasses, magnifying glasses, telescopic lenses and illuminated magnifiers may help with vision and reading etc. These are sometimes called low visual aids. Usually large print books or electronic devices (like e-readers or computers) may help in reading by enlarging the font.
You may be given an Amsler chart (see our dry AMD leaflet) to look out for visual distortion and to detect development of wet macular degeneration, which is much more serious and causes more rapid visual loss.
We recommend a balanced diet to everyone, especially green vegetables and fish to patients with dry macular degeneration.
We also advise cessation of smoking, which may benefit macular degeneration.
Wet macular degeneration can be an aggressive condition leading to severe and acute visual loss in a matter of weeks.
We try to prevent or limit visual loss by treating wet macular degeneration.
The diagnosis involves retinal exams which include a dilated retinal examination, digital retinal imaging (photographs), retinal scans and a dye test called fluorescein angiography.
After testing, a small number of patients will be found suitable for treatment. This is because 90% of patients have dry macular degeneration and approximately 10% of patients have wet AMD (only wet AMD is treatable).
Patients with wet AMD are offered intravitreal injection treatment (Lucentis or Eylea treatment), if they fall within the parameters NICE guidance. Few patients may need special Laser treatment called Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and are referred to PDT treatment centres.
We perform retinal scans with our Zeiss Cirrus retinal scanner and Topcon Triton plus imaging systems. We can perform laser treatment for selected patients and also offer intra-vitreal Lucentis / Eylea injection treatment. We do not offer Avastin in this trust.
We also provide support for patients with untreatable macular degeneration and low vision aids like the provision of special magnifying glasses and other visual aids.
Contact details
Tel: 020 8296 3820
Email: est-tr.AMD@nhs.net
Further information
Macular Society website www.macularsociety.org
GPs can refer patients via paper-based referrals, via eReferral and by using the wet AMD rapid referral route. Suspected wet AMD should be referred using the following forms:
- Rapid wet macular degeneration referral form[pdf] 162KB
- Rapid wet macular degeneration referral form[docx] 52KB
Key staff
- Ramu Muniraju, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
- Mr A Narang, Consultant Ophthalmologist
- Giuseppe Aramo, Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Charlotte Brent, Clinical Nurse Specialist.
Ocular surface diseases
Our consultants have specific expertise in dealing with ocular surface diseases, including:
- a wide range of ocular infections
- corneal ulcers
- contact lens related problems and associated infections
- dry eyes
- watery eyes
- allergic eye disease
- herpetic eye disease
- ocular surface inflammation
- eyelid problems.
Miss McElvanney, the lead consultant, has links with the Medical Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Association (MCLOSA), and the European Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmologists (ECLSO).
We perform anterior segment diagnostic surgery, eyelid surgery and botox for therapeutic indications.
We have a dedicated medical contact lens service for the fitting of therapeutic and specialty contact lenses.
Key staff
Miss Andrena McElvanney, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Mr P Ursell, Consultant Ophthalmologist
Contact details
Tel: 020 8296 3800.
Contact lens clinic
Contact Lens Clinics
The contact lens clinics are held in the Eye Units at both Epsom and St Helier hospitals. This is a specialist service for patients who require contact lenses for clinical reasons. You will usually be referred to the clinic by a community optometrist or by your ophthalmologist. Please bring all current glasses and contact lens prescriptions with you to your appointments.
Who is eligible for contact lenses at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust?
Contact lenses are only fitted/provided by the Trust where there is a ‘medical need’ for them. Usually, this is when vision cannot be improved with spectacles but can be improved with contact lenses. For example: Keratoconus, corneal distortion, very high prescriptions (over +/- 15D) and scarred or white corneas. Additionally, lenses can be fitted for pain relief or to improve the appearance of a damaged eye.
The contact lens clinic does not fit lenses if normal vision can be obtained with spectacles and reserve the right to discharge patients once fitted and if the contact lenses are readily available from high street optometrists.
How do I obtain a contact lens?
Once your eligibility has been verified, a lens type will be selected for you depending on your medical need. As the lenses often have complex designs, they usually need to be specially made for you. Please be aware that on occasion it can take a few appointment sessions to get the most accurate fitting, so finding the right lens for you can sometimes take a bit of time. Your contact lenses will be issued after you successfully demonstrate confident insertion and removal of the lens. At this appointment you will also receive instructions on how to handle and care for your lenses.
How much do I have to pay for contact lenses?
Please contact the clinic for the most up to date prices. The charge is set nationally by the NHS and is updated annually on 1st April. At time of writing (2024), the fee is currently £61.77 per lens.
Payment can be made by visiting the cashier’s office at St Helier Hospital, Ferguson house between 9:30am – 12pm or calling them on 0208 296 2780.
- The payment is for one standard replacement contact lens (singular), or where appropriate, six months’ supply of soft/hybrid lenses.
The same charges apply for replacement lenses, or if a lens breaks outside the three-month manufacturers’ warranty period. (This does not affect your statutory rights).
Who is exempt from payment for contact lenses?
- Patients who have proof of income support, guaranteed pension credit, or equivalent
- Patients requiring a lens as a ‘bandage’ or ‘prosthesis’ or for Aphakia.
- Children under 16
- Children aged 16 to 18, in full-time education and who fit the eligibility criteria
- Patients may apply to the DSS for a contribution towards the cost of their lenses if they are on a low income by filling in form HC1 (available from DSS offices).
Please note the exemption of charges does not cover loss or damage to lenses.
The team do advise their patients to consider buying a spare pair of lenses to ensure there are no problems in the case of your first pair getting lost or damaged.
What happens if my lens arrives faulty?
If you open the new lens and it appears to have a fault (damaged/prescription seems incorrect/fitting seems incorrect), reseal the contact lens in the original packaging and contact the Optometry Team. We will most likely need to see the lens and investigate the cause of fault. Manufacturer warranty (1 month) does not apply to accidental breakages/loss or misuse. If appropriate the lens may be sent back to the manufacturing labs for verification. Please don’t throw the lens away before showing us or you may be recharged for a replacement.
What happens if I break my lens?
If you break a lens you will need to pay for the replacement (see below). It would be wise to call the Optometry Team to explain how the lens broke so we can advise better handling tips for the future.
How much do spare lenses cost?
Costs can be obtained from the clinic and are reviewed annually. However, please note that there is no exemption from payment for spares.
How do I order replacement lenses?
To order replacement lenses please call: 0208 296 3825
Alternatively, you can e-mail us at esth.contactlensreceipts@nhs.net
How long will it take to obtain replacement lenses?
Times vary depending on the complexity of the lens and the individual manufacturer, typical timescales:
- Hybrid lenses - around four to six weeks,
- Rigid gas permeable (corneal ) lenses - around two weeks,
- Scleral contact lenses - around six to eight weeks,
- Cosmetic soft contact lenses – around two to six weeks.
How can I obtain contact lens solutions?
- An initial one month supply of solutions will usually be supplied by the Trust Optician
- Patients are able to purchase additional solutions from external opticians.
Should I wear my contact lenses to the appointment?
Yes. If you can tolerate your lenses we would like to assess the effect of the lenses on your eyes.
What happens if I do not keep my appointments?
If you know that you cannot keep an appointment, please tell our appointment department ASAP on 0208 296 3800, so that an alternative date can be arranged. Patients will be discharged if they fail to attend an appointment or if they are not seen for over 12 months.
What happens if I am discharged?
If you are not a current patient you will not be able to obtain lenses from the hospital. You will not be reviewed in the contact lens clinic unless you are re-referred by your doctor. Please note, if you are discharged from the hospital and continue to wear contact lenses it is essential that you are under the care of a contact lens practitioner.
What do I do if I have a problem with my contact lenses?
If you are having a problem with your contact lens and cannot wait until your next appointment, please call 0208 296 3800 and request an earlier appointment, which could be at either Epsom or St Helier depending on availability. You will not be seen in the contact lens clinic without an appointment.
What do I do in an emergency? If my eye suddenly becomes red/painful/vision suddenly deteriorates?
If you have a problem whilst wearing a contact lens (such as: blurry vision, discomfort or redness), first remove the lens to see if the problem resolves. If the problem resolves, go through your usual cleaning/disinfecting routine and reinsert the lens to see if the problem recurs (you may wish to leave reinserting until the next day).
A problem which resolves on lens removal and recurs on lens re-insertion suggests a problem with the lens itself. Call the optometrist on: 020 8296 3800 for advice.
Should you need urgent treatment, you should call or walk into St Helier eye casualty service (Monday – Friday 8.30am-4.30pm) or alternatively, on weekends, St George’s 24 hour eye casualty service. It’s important to let staff know if you are wearing an extended wear lens (i.e. you regularly wear your lens overnight while sleeping) or a bandage (therapeutic) contact lens on arrival.