Neurology involves the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. Neurologists diagnose and treat impaired function of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles, as well as the blood vessels that supply them.
The most common illnesses that we assess and manage are headaches, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, dementia and degenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis and traumatic brain injury.
We work closely with our colleagues in the Stroke service, Radiology and Neurophysiology. The St Helier site has a specialist inpatient neuro-rehabilitation team, made up of highly specialist occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy. The team's role is to provide specialist assessment, rehabilitation and pathway planning for patients with neurological conditions. They work closely with the neurology consultants, ward teams and community neuro therapy teams in Sutton, Merton and other surrounding areas. The team also maintain close links with St George's hospital and other specialist neuro-rehabilitation centres.
Outpatient clinics
There are general neurology clinics at Epsom Hospital and at St Helier Hospital Monday to Thursday and a multiple sclerosis nurse specialist clinic on Thursdays at St Helier Hospital.
Key staff
Dr Paul Hart, Consultant Neurologist
Dr Caroline Lovelock, Consultant Neurologist
Dr Jananee Sivagnanasundaram, Consultant Neurologist
Dr Vafa Alakbarzade, Consultant Neurologist
Dr Sathyajith Ambawatte, Consultant Neurologist
Dr Oliver Cousins, Consultant Neurologist
Dr Malgorzata (Goshka) Trubshaw, General Practitioner With Special Interest in Neurology
Stacey Iverson, Epilepsy Nurse
Sarah Evans, Multiple Sclerosis Specialist Nurse
Opening hours
Epsom and St Helier hospitals: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm.
Contact details
For new patient queries, please call: 020 8296 2968
You can reach the team at St Helier on 020 8296 3355 /
You can reach the team at Epsom on 01372 735 032 /
St George's Hospital
Kent Ward: 020 7672 1255, ext 4671/4672
William Drummond Ward (stroke): 020 8725 1326, ext 1326/1327
How to refer
All consultant-led clinics are on eRS. There are specific pathways for:
- Headaches- please follow the South West London headache pathway [docx] 199KB and complete the South West London regional headache referral form [docx] 53KB if no red or amber flags.
- First fits – First FIT clinic referral form [docx] 71KB (note not for known epilepsy or under age 16)
Please be advised that the Neurology Service at ESTH does not provide:
- Neuro Physiology - this service is provided at ESTH by another team. The team can be contacted via
- Neuro psychology - this service is provided locally at St George's.
- Stroke - for queries to this service please use the following email. This is monitored daily.
- At St Helier, the Stroke team can be contacted for advice about TIA referrals on 07791 123 499 (Monday - Thursday, 8am - 4pm and Friday, 8am - 12noon). At Epsom, please call 01372 735379 or alternatively bleep 971 to discuss with the stroke nurse.
- (St Helier) or (Epsom). The referral forms and pathway can be found
- Neuro surgery (StG) - Neurosurgical care is provided locally at St George's - Referral submission instructions for the service can be found on the St George's public facing page in the GP & clinicians area under “urgent referrals” - Urgent referrals - St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (