Infant feeding
We are proud to be reaccredited and recognised as the first Unicef UK Baby Friendly Trust in London, acknowledging our high standards in encouraging and supporting new mums to bond with their babies and make the best personal choice in how to feed their new born baby. For more about the benefits this brings to families, please visit https://www.unicef.org.uk/babyfriendly/support-for-parents/
The Baby Friendly Guardian at the Trust is Chief Nurse, Arlene Wellman. Do you know what a BFI Guardian is? Find out here.
We offer an antenatal infant feeding and responsive parenting group session via zoom for you and your family and informal sessions before your baby arrives so you can talk to a healthcare professional about the amazing health benefits to you and your baby by exclusively breastfeeding so you can make an informed choice of how you are going to feed your baby.
As we were one of the first hospital trusts to achieve this Gold Standard, UNICEF published a case study on the great work the Maternity Department have done and why our practice deserves this prestigious certification, please read the case study by clicking here.
If you feel that you would like any additional evidence based information added to this website please contact Susan Taylor, Infant Feeding Lead: sue.taylor16@nhs.net or esth.InfantFeedingTeam2@nhs.net.
Meet our Infant Feeding Team!
Have a question? You can reach them on esth.infantfeedingteam2@nhs.net.

Breastfeeding support – the value of exclusively breastfeeding
You can never over feed an exclusively breastfed baby. Do you feel like you need support when breastfeeding? Find out what support is available at the Trust and with our local partners.

Feeding and nurturing your baby
You can never overfeed an exclusively breastfed baby. You can never spoil a baby or toddler - always respond with cuddles and love.

Online support
Have a look at the infant feeding support that you can access instantly and remember to access the leaflets on your Maternity Notes app and download the Baby buddy 2.0 app..

Annual celebrations
We love to celebrate our amazing staff when we can. Check out some of our celebrations here!

Contact details
For information and advice, please contact Susan Taylor, our Infant Feeding Lead at:
Email: sue.taylor16@nhs.net
Tel: 07975 232374
There is also a new Surrey–wide family advice Llne for families with 0-19yrs old:
Tel: 01883 340 922
Hours: Mon –Fri (except bank holidays) 8am-5pm

Information on COVID-19 and breastfeeding
We have compiled all of the important information about COVID-19 and breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding research and evidence
Find out all about the national research and evidence behind breastfeeding.
Discover why breastfeeding is so important to you and your baby

Nurturing your baby - building close and loving relationships
Want to find out how to nurture your baby, and how to build close and loving relationships?

How breastfeeding works
Breastfeeding is essential in your baby's development.

How do you know if breastfeeding is going well?

Responsively Paced Bottle feeding Expressed Breast Milk (EBM) (Formula) including related information

Breastfeeding challenges
Many mothers find breastfeeding challenging
Click here to find out about common struggles and how to get extra support