Your electronic patient record

Upgrading Electronic Patient Records at gesh

There are currently multiple Electronic Patient Records (EPR) systems in place across St George’s, Epsom and St Helier which do not talk to each other. In May this will change, with the launch of a new group wide EPR, iClipPRO.

iClipPRO is a digital platform that brings all patient information – from medical history to results of investigations and medications prescribed – together in one place.

The introduction will mean clinicians will have more information at their fingertips, meaning they can make more informed effective decisions on patient care. It will also streamline admin tasks, minimise duplication and give clinical teams more time to care for patients.

While Epsom and St Helier will transfer over to the new platform, the current iClip system at St George’s will be upgraded, so all hospitals will be using the same system.


What does EPR mean for patients

The new EPR will provide many benefits for our patients, including:

  • Fewer delays as clinicians will have the right information at their fingertips, with less time waiting for prescriptions or discharge information
  • Less duplication in terms of repeating their medical histories, as those involved in the patient’s care will be able to easily see what has been said before
  • It will also help to keep our patients safe and their data secure.


Next steps

Our primary goal is to help ensure that our patients continue to have the best possible experience while we undertake this transfer.

Teams across our hospitals are pulling out all the stops to make sure the switchover to the new system is as smooth as possible. And an extensive programme of testing the new system and training staff is currently underway.

Nevertheless, a change of this scale will inevitably have an impact on our teams, which is why we will be communicating extensively with our patients and communities to let them know what we are doing.

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