Tourette's Syndrome
Tourette’s syndrome is a nervous system condition that causes involuntary “tics.” Tics are sudden, repetitive movements, twitches, and sounds that the person has limited control over. There is no cure, but there are treatment options to help manage the condition. Tourette’s syndrome is another condition that might leave people vulnerable to prejudice. The condition is often misunderstood, dramatized, and misrepresented in the media. Because of this, combined with the tiring nature of controlling tics, wellbeing may be negatively impacted. It is essential to have access to support and reliable information. Tourette’s Action has information on Tourette’s and plenty of support, such as online support groups and community events. The Brain Charity has an informative overview of Tourette’s syndrome alongside plenty of other brain-related information that may interest someone with Tourette’s.