Supporting the armed forces community
We are proud to be a Veteran Aware Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust has been named a Veteran Aware Trust in recognition of its commitment to improving NHS care for veterans, reservists, members of the armed forces and their families.
The accreditation, from the Veterans Covenant Healthcare Alliance (VCHA), acknowledges the Trust’s commitment to a number of key pledges, including:
- Ensuring that the armed forces community is never disadvantaged compared to other patients, in line with the NHS’s commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant
- Training relevant staff on veteran specific culture or needs
- Making veterans, reservists and service families aware of appropriate charities or NHS services beneficial to them, such as mental health services or support with financial and/or benefit claims
- Supporting the armed forces as an employer
Please tell us if you are a member of the UK Armed Forces community so we can best support your care needs (serving, reservist, veteran, spouse/partner, child including Commonwealth, Republic of Ireland and Nepal).
Being flagged as a veteran in your NHS medical notes will help ensure you are able to access specific veterans’ health services, such as those for mental health, hearing loss, limb amputation and wheelchairs. All veterans are entitled to priority access to NHS care (including hospital, primary or community care) for conditions associated with their time in the armed forces (service-related). But this is always subject to clinical need and doesn't entitle you to jump the queue ahead of someone with a higher clinical need.
Who is a veteran?
A veteran is anyone who has served for at least one day in the armed forces, whether regular or reserve. This also applies to Merchant Navy seafarers and fishermen who have served in a vessel when it was being used for military operations by the armed forces.
For more information on how the NHS can help if you're in the British armed forces or are a veteran, a reservist or a family member of someone who is serving or who has served visit NHS England - www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/armed-forces-community/
NHS services
Op Courage
Informed by feedback from veterans and their families, all NHS specialist veterans mental health services will now come under one new name - Op COURAGE: The Veterans’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Service.
Website: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/armed-forces-community/mental-health/veterans-reservists/
Veterans Trauma Network (VTN)
The VTN is a collection of 12 NHS Veteran Trauma Centres and four specialist units, each with military and civilian medical experts who will be able to help you with your physical service-related health problem. They will work with you to develop the best clinical plan for your needs.
Download the VTN Overview for further details.
Ask your GP to refer you to the VTN at england.veteranstraumanetwork@nhs.net
Armed Forces Health Podcast
A brand-new NHS Armed Forces Health Podcast launches on Wednesday 3 August. This podcast series has been commissioned by the Armed Forces Public Patient Voice Group (AF PPVG) in order to be used as a resource for the Armed Forces community to support them in understanding and navigating the NHS and to raise awareness of how to become empowered advocates for their own health as a patient or family member of one.
There are six episodes in all taking the listener on a journey through the different aspects of the NHS. They can listen to the whole series or one that is relevant to them. The guests are all members of the AF PPVG who gave up their time to pass on their expertise and experiences they felt were relevant.
The series will be released over 6 weeks as follows:
- Episode 1: Wed 3 August - What is the AFPPVG? with Kate Davies, Nicky Murdoch and Tom Fox
- Episode 2: Wed 10 August - Military medical experience and leaving with Dr Johnathan Leach, Paul Findlay and Kate King
- Episode 3: Wed 17 August - Your GP with Dr Jonathan Leach, Kat Dalby-Welsh and Paul Findlay
- Episode 4: Wed 24 August - Physical health with Mr Shehan Hettiaratchy, Gregg Stevenson and Teresa Griffiths
- Episode 5: Wed 31 August - Mental health with Dr Dan Barnard, Tom Fox and Jo Jukes
- Episode 6: Wed 7 September - Family/children with Andrea Collins, Jenny Ward and Jess Stirling-Yeatman
The podcast team believe that this podcast can really change lives by familiarising people with the work that the NHS England Armed Forces Patient and Public Voice (AFPPV) Group does. They hope to reach those who would otherwise not know what services are available to them, and by doing so improve their lives and journeys to recovery.
The podcast will be available on all podcasts apps and channels and will be searchable under the name of the NHS Armed Forces Health Podcast.
Please share this widely with staff and patients who are part of the armed forces community to help support them in their healthcare journey.
For more information on the veteran project here in the Trust please email: esth.patientexperienceteam@nhs.net
Further supporting organisations
There are a number of supporting organisations that can help with a variety of needs that are based nationally and locally.
Forces Connect App
In as little as just four clicks, the Forces Connect free mobile app can signpost veterans, armed forces personnel and their loved ones to support and advice in their local area. The Forces Connect app is designed to link users in four easy clicks to organisations offering immediate help and support across a wide range of services. The information is updated monthly, there are no charges or adverts and there's no need to enter any personal data.
To download the app, search "Forces Connect" in Apple's App Store or the Google Play Store.
VCHA Veteran Aware – Poster
This poster publicises that we are a veteran Aware accredited Trust and should be displayed in both public and staff areas.
(Attachment name – VCHA_ESTH_COMMUNITY_VeteranAware_Poster.pdf [pdf] 1013KB)
Patient Information, Veteran Aware NHS Trust - leaflet
This leaflet can be shared with patients and carers and explains the NHS commitment to the Armed Forces Community. It highlights some supporting organisations and also provides an overview of the Armed Forces Covenant.
(Attachment name: ESTH_PatientVeteranLeaflet_June_2022_FINAL.pdf [pdf] 940KB
Key Contacts for the Armed Forces Community - leaflet
This document contains a number of useful contact details for different supporting organisations, offering support for mental and physical health, support for family members, housing and much more.
(Attachment name: ESTH_KeyContacts.docx [docx] 3MB)
Armed Forces Community Support QR code – poster
This poster contains 9 different QR codes, that when scanned, takes you to the website of a specific support group. Some of the organisations included in this poster are Royal British Legion, SSAFA, Veterans Trauma Network and more. These organisations may support the patient upon discharge from the hospital setting.
Attachment name: QR CODE POSTER 2023 4 X 3.[pdf] 3MB
Op Courage Service Map - poster
This poster advertises the NHS specialist mental health service, known as Op Courage, with contact details to support serving personnel due to leave the military, reservists, armed forces veterans and their families.
(Attachment name: Op-COURAGE-Map-PDF-April2023.pdf 702KB)
Op Restore - flyer and leaflet
The Veterans Physical Health and Wellbeing Service is an NHS service that supports individuals who have secured in, or are leaving, the UK Armed Forces and have continuing, physical health injuries and related medical problems attributed to their time in the Armed Forces.
(Attachment name: Op RESTORE A5 flyer Oct 23.pdf [pdf] 245KB)
(Attachment name: Op RESTORE leaflet Aug 23.pdf [pdf] 5MB)
Contact us
For any further information on support for the armed forces community, or if you’d like to share your experience, please contact the Patient Experience Team at esth.patientexperienceteam@nhs.net