Referring to our services
We are committed to making the referral process easy, efficient and reliable for both you as a referrer and for your patients.
Our aim is to ensure that all patients waiting for an outpatient appointment, diagnostic test, elective or planned admission are managed in line with National Waiting List Guidance, the NHS Constitution (opens in a new window) and the NHS Operating Framework. This includes patients with a suspected cancer diagnosis.
Cardiology Quick View developed in collaboration with Sutton Place
v0.11 Cardiology Quick View Sutton and ESTH.pdf [pdf] 582KB
Three SWL Cardiology Pathways
Three SWL pathways - HF, AF, Chest Pain [pptx] 718KB
Rapid access chest pain clinic
RACPC-Referral-form-trustwide-V3 (1) Updated (3).docx [docx] 41KB
Rapid Access Heart Function Clinic
RAPID ACCESS HEART FUNCTION REFERRAL FORM - Revised (5) June 2023.docx [docx] 47KB
Low Risk Chest Pain SDEC Pathway
Low Risk Chest Pain SDEC Pathway V1.5.pdf [pdf] 407KB
Arrhythmia Referral Form
02. Arrhythmia (4) (1) March 2023 - Updated June 2023.docx [docx] 39KB
General Cardiology Referral Form
04. General Cardio Referral Form March 2023.docx [docx] 42KB
Chemical Pathology
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
COPE - Centre of Pain Education
For information about referring to the Centre of Pain Education (COPE) please see our leaflet called Information for referrers [pdf] 348KB
COTE - Care of the Elderly
- GP Guidance for Dermatology Advice and Guidance - v0.1 Derm A&G Guidance for GPs.docx [docx] 52KB
- Paediatric Weekender Regime - Eczema Treatment Plan - Weekender Regime Paediatric.pdf [pdf] 665KB
- Dermatology Quick View - Dermatology OP Referral Quick View Jan 2025.pdf [pdf] 311KB
- Guidelines for the Management of Viral Warts - Management-of-Viral-Warts.pdf 159KB
South West London ICS Dermatology Clinical Guidelines:
- Acne: Management from 12 years of age
- Atopic Dermatitis
- Chronic Urticaria
- Eczema
- Hyperhidrosis
- Psoriasis
- Viral Warts
Parent Advice Videos - Paediatric Eczema kindly provided by St George's consultants
Sutton GPs - Please consider Sutton Skin Lesion clinic prior to referral. Please see your GP team net for more information.
Diabetic Medicine
Ear, Nose and Throat
Management of Hyponatraemia s3.Management_of_Hyponatraemia (2).pdf [pdf] 275KB
v0.7 Gastroenterology NAFLD pathways.pptx [pptx] 187KB
Constipation Guidance Constipation v6.docx [docx] 287KB
IBD Management IBD Management v5.pptx [pptx] 221KB
IBS Management IBS Management v 5.pptx [pptx] 224KB
General Surgery
- PCOS leaflet -
- SWL Menopause Pathway (this document is currently being reviewed by Sutton Place and Surrey Downs Place) - Menopause-and-Hormone-Replacement-Therapy-HRT-Guidelines-for-South-West-London.pdf [pdf]
- Pan London Urgent Suspected Gynaecological Cancer Referral Form.docx [docx] 39KB
- For Urogynaecology resources including the SWL Urogynaecology Pathways click here
Maxillo Facial
Nephrology (Renal)
In 2014 NICE updated their clinical guideline on the identification and management of Chronic Kidney Disease. This local guideline reflects these national changes, and also provides concise advice on key CKD management issues relevant to primary care.
- Neurology Outpatient Referral Decision Support Tool - Quick View - Neurology Outpatient Referrals Sutton Quick View Jan 2023.pdf [pdf] 212KB
- SWL Headache Pathway - South-West-London-Headache-Pathway-SWL-version-v6.1 (1).pdf [pdf] 234KB
- SWL Headache Referral Form - SWL regional-headache-referral-form-Final-Sept-20.docx [docx] 56KB
For more information on our Neurology service, please click here for our Neurology service page
Please be advised that the Neurology Service at ESTH does not provide:
- Neuro Physiology - this service is provided at ESTH by another team. The team can be contacted via
- Neuro psychology - this service is provided locally at St George's.
- Stroke - for queries to this service please use the following email. This is monitored daily.
- At St Helier, the Stroke team can be contacted for advice about TIA referrals on 07791 123 499 (Monday - Thursday, 8am - 4pm and Friday, 8am - 12noon). At Epsom, please call 01372 735379 or alternatively bleep 971 to discuss with the stroke nurse.
- (St Helier) or (Epsom). The referral forms and pathway can be found
- Neuro surgery (StG) - Neurosurgical care is provided locally at St George's - Referral submission instructions for the service can be found on the St George's public facing page in the GP & clinicians area under “urgent referrals” - Urgent referrals - St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (
Oral Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Paediatrics (Children and Young People)
Referral guidance will follow in due course.
Sleep Disorders and Sleep Apnoea - QVH or St George's
Please note that Epsom and St Helier University Hospital Trust doesn't provide a Sleep Apnoea or Sleep disorder service. Please refer any patients for sleep apnoea or sleep disorders to the sleep services that are local to the patient. The two closest services are at St George's University Hospital Trust or at the Queen Victoria Hospital.
For more information on our Respiratory service
Please click here for our Respiratory service page.
British Society of Rheumatology Referral Guidelines for GPs
- The BSR have published updated Referral guidelines for GPs. These guidelines list the conditions for which GPs can refer to Rheumatology and the conditions which should not be referred to Rheumatology as they can be managed in primary care or should be referred to alternative specialties.
Information regarding Pain and Fibromyalgia Referrals
- Fibromyalgia and chronic pain can be diagnosed and managed in primary care. Most patients can be referred directly to Pain management clinics and do not need to be referred to Rheumatology. South West London CCG Rheumatology Network have devised a Widespread Chronic Pain Triage Widespread Pain Pathway [pdf] 208KB and Diagnosis tool for GPs ( New Clinical Fibromyalgia Diagnostic Criteria [pdf] 219KB ) The Royal College of Physicians have produced extensive guidance to help GPs diagnose and manage Fibromyalgia in primary care.
Early Inflammatory Arthritis clinic
- GPs are advised to submit a completed "Early Inflammatory Arthritis (EIA) referral form" along with referral letter when referring patients with for Suspected Early Inflammatory Arthritis. Rheumatology Referral Form for Suspected Early Inflammatory Arthritis [docx] 19KB. This form should be completed and submitted along with referral letter for all referrals for "suspected early inflammatory arthritis". Please see ESTH Rheumatology Directory of Service on ERS.
Suspected Giant Cell Arteritis
- GPs should refer these patients urgently (same-day) by calling the Rheumatology on-call Consultant or Registrar via telephone during working hours 0900-16:45 Monday- Friday (via hospital switchboard 0208 296 2000 bleep 490). Outside these hours, patients should be referred to the Medical Registrar on-call via hospital switchboard (Telephone no. 0208 296 2000) GCA pathway[pdf] 146KB
- Patients with visual symptoms should be referred same day to the Urgent Eye Casualty Acute Eye clinic at St Helier Hospital (Telephone no. 0208 296 3817) during Monday to Friday 08:30-16:30. Outside these hours the on-call ophthalmology service for South West Thames is based at St George’s Hospital and operates after 5pm weekdays, at weekends and on bank holidays. The on-call Ophthalmology team should be contacted via St. Georges Hospital switchboard number 020 8672 1255.
Speech and Language Therapy
Stroke (TIA)
- Referrals for Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) patients should follow the TIA pathways for each site.
- Please use the appropriate referral form (see below) and email it to (St Helier) or (Epsom). Our fax machines are no longer in use. Do not send referrals by post in order to ensure patients are seen promptly.
- At St Helier, the Stroke team can be contacted for advice about TIA referrals on 07791 123 499 (Monday - Thursday, 8am - 4pm and Friday, 8am - 12noon). At Epsom, please call 01372 735379 or alternatively bleep 971 to discuss with the stroke nurse.
It is important that patients are referred in a timely manner ?to minimise the risk of stroke.
Transplantation Surgery
Trauma and Orthopaedics
Ingrown Toe Nail Management Advice
- Urology-SuttonQuickView-A4-26Jan.pdf [pdf] 207KB
- SWL-Testicular-Pathway [pdf] 172KB
- SWL-Erectile-Dysfunction-Pathway-Primary-Care [pdf] 221KB
- SWL-LUTS-Pathway [pdf] 225KB
- Final SWLondon Recurrent UTI (Female) Adult Pathway - 16-06-22.ppt [ppt] 343KB
- Final SW London Urinary incontinence Pathway - 16-06-22 (1).ppt [ppt] 455KB
- BAUS bladder diary
- BAUS bladder training
- Paediatric Foreskin Concerns-GP Advice Leaflet
- Paediatric Foreskin Concerns-Parent Advice Leaflet
- v0.1 Paediatric Bed Wetting Concerns Advice Leaflet Feb 2024.pdf [pdf] 694KB
Patients to submit their IPSS questionnaire and bladder diary to (Urology POD).