Membership, donations and fundraising
Membership fees
- Annual membership: £5
- Annual membership for senior citizens: £3
- Life membership: £25
When using the JustGiving Checkout button above, please provide your full name and email, or postal, address so that we can contact you.
Becoming a member doesn't mean you have to volunteer. To become a member, just download and complete the form below or by coming to our shop or tea bar. Please return the completed form to the League office and don't forget to sign the Gift Aid form where applicable.
League of Friends membership form
Monetary donations are most welcome and can be made to ‘The League of Friends St Helier’ without becoming a member. Please make your donation either by post using the form below or at our office. If you are a UK taxpayer, please ask for a Gift Aid form as we can claim back tax on your donation.
League of Friends membership form
In addition, we are always in need of extra knitted baby items and crocheted blankets, so if you can make them at home and bring them along, we would be most grateful for your help.
Thanksgiving book
The Current Thanksgiving Book is kept in the chapel on the Ground Floor Main Corridor of St Helier Hospital. When a donation is made in memory of someone, we can place their name in the book if the family wishes to do so. Although we appreciate all donations, you can request for the name of your loved one to be placed in the book without making one. If you wish to see a name in one of the older books, please contact us by phone or preferably email to arrange to come in as these are kept in our office.
Key contacts for membership, donations, and fundraising
League of Friends office
St Helier Hospital, ground floor Ferguson House, adjacent to the Cash Office
Val Brundle
Tel: 020 8641 4567 or 020 8296 2462 (9am - 1pm Monday to Friday)
Email: val.brundle@ or