Current awareness
Keeping you up to date with the latest information in your area of interest.
ESTH Special Bulletin: Every few months we create and publish occasional special bulletins. The current one focuses on celebrating the work of our dementia/delirium champions. All the articles contained in the bulletin are open access. (no password required to access the full text).
If you have any comments or suggestions about the ESTH Special bulletin or Nursing bulletin please contact Manda at: If you would like to receive an alert of new blog postings please enter your email address into the Follow by Email box on the right-hand side of the blog page.
- ESTH Nursing Bulletin: This regular bulletin features key papers and publications that focus mainly on the latest news and issues in the nursing profession.
- MAG Online Current Awareness Bulletins: a selection of various healthcare topics including womens health, safeguarding and mental health. These are produced by MA Healthcare to help us and other libraries maximise our subscriptions to the collection of MA Healthcare journals. Use your ESTH OpenAthens account to access the full text.
- Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust Eating Disorders Bulletin March 2025: Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust produce an eating disorders bulletin on a bi-monthly basis. If you're interested in any of the articles listed please email our library:
Making People Count
Making People Count - February 2025 covers learning and development, teamwork, recruitment and well-being. If you're interested in recruiting, developing and looking after a high-quality workforce you need to read it.
To sign up contact
KnowledgeShare (produced and provided by Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust), enables you to sign up for regular, targeted, personalised evidence updates based on your specific professional interests. If you are interested in this current awareness service please fill in the KnowledgeShare current awareness form.
Epsom and St Helier authored publications
On an annual basis the Library Team working together with the Research Department performs searches to find out how many Epsom and St Helier authored papers there are in the medical health databases including Medline, Emcare, BNI, Cochrane, Web of Science, Cinahl Embase, PubMed and more.
Please click the links below to see the most recent report. A full text copy of any of the articles listed is available by contacting the library at:
If you have authored papers during the 2021 - 2022 period, and it is not listed please contact Marisa or Potenza via and they will ensure that your publication is added: ESTH Authored papers 2021-2022.
Please note: the Library can support you with your research publication by providing help with information and literature searching, training sessions on how to search the medical health databases including Medline and Embase. In addition we can support you with using free reference management software including Zotero and Mendeley. Additional support includes help with referencing your papers and accessing statistical packages including JASP. To find out more, view the Library Support for Research leaflet or contact Marisa or Potenza by email at
We produce resource sheets to highlight the range of resources that can be borrowed or accessed electronically on a particular topic. These can be used for a particular national campaign (e.g. Diabetes Awareness) or internal promotional events.
If you would like us to produce a resource sheet to tie in with a campaign you are involved with please email
BrowZine (opens in a window) brings together e-journals from different publishers, and presents them in an easily browsable format. You can browse current and back issues of most of our titles and you can organise your journals on a virtual bookshelf. You can also set up an email alert when new issues of these journals are published.
Grand Round presentations
Grand Round presentations, held at both Epsom and St Helier, are now being catalogued by the Library and Information Services. The aim of this is to improve the sharing of medical expertise across both hospitals to inform patient care and enhance our clinical practice.
For a list of Grand Round presentations please click the link below:
Searching for presentations in the library catalogue
Click Advanced under the search box.Enter the name of the department in the search box.Change the media type to Grand Round Presentation and clickSearch.
Or browse by Subjects or Keywords which have been attributed to each presentation.
Due to information governance, the presentations are only available internally to Epsom and St Helier staff and patient information may have been removed from the original presentation, to comply with information governance.
Opening a presentation: If the presentation has been made available by the presenter there will be a note of the file address in the catalogue record. Available presentations are stored on an ESTH internal drive and can only be accessed from a Trust computer.
Requesting a presentation: not all presentations have been made available. If you require a presentation which has a catalogue record but no file address, please contact the author.
Twitter is an easy way to keep up to date with developments in the Trust and what other organisations are doing – you don’t have to tweet! Learn how to set up a Twitter account by coming to one of our Twitter Thursday lunchtime sessions .
You may like to consider following:
- @esthLISEducat - for the latest developments and activities at ESTH libraries and education departments
- @epsom_sthelier – the ESTH twitter feed
- @TotterdellJac – ESTH Chief Executive
- @WeNurses - a way of connecting nurses and facilitates the sharing of information, ideas, knowledge and resources in order to improve patient care
Search alerts
When saving your searches in databases such as the British Nursing Index and Medline you get an option to set up an alert.
This means that whenever a new article, which contains your search terms, is published in that database you are automatically emailed a reference to it.
The staff at our libraries can perform searches for quality healthcare information from journal articles, book chapters, reports and more.
We are also available to teach you how to perform your own searches if you prefer and have the time, this includes setting up alerts. Please see Training sessions.
To save you time and the effort, we can also set up the search alerts for you, once we’ve completed the literature search you requested on a specific topic.