Speaking up - information for staff

This page provides information for Epsom and St Helier hospitals' staff who may want to speak up and raise concerns.

If you are a member of the public who wishes to give feedback or speak to someone about the care you or a loved one have recieved, please see Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

The Freedom to Speak Up team are an impartial service offering confidential, independent and sensitive advice and support to all staff raising concerns. They will arrange to meet you, or phone you at your convenience and will endeavour to respond to a contact within 48 hours. The Trust is also developing a team of Advocates across the sites so that staff have someone nearer to them that they can approach for advice when needed.

We encourage and support all staff to raise concerns about any matter relating to patient care, patient safety or work concerns, in a confidential and safe manner. To enable a quick, fair and effective resolution, all concerns raised will be listened to and taken seriously. The Trust takes the issue of raising concerns seriously and wishes to encourage a climate of openness and reassure staff that any concerns that are raised will be responded to.

Where possible, we would recommend that you try and raise any concerns as soon as possible with your line manager. If you feel you are unable to speak with your line manager, or you are not satisfied with the outcome of your discussion, please contact our Freedom to Speak Up team - you can find their contact details to the right. More information, including a list of Freedom to Speak Up advocates can be found on our intranet. 

Our Freedom to Speak Up Policy GESH/POL/0004[pdf] 423KB outlines how you can raise a concern. 

Making Speaking Up Business as Usual

Freedom to Speak Up Month 2020

To celebrate Freedom to Speak Up Month in 2020, Dr Chris Turner hosted a talk all about "why civility matters in a complex world". You can see the full talk by clicking the video link below:

While we encourage staff to raise any concerns internally within the Trust, you may also want to seek advice from independent sources:

  • The National Whistleblowing Helpline is available on 08000 724 725, and provides staff working within the NHS with free and independent advice
  • Public Concern at Work contains further information and details on raising concerns and whistleblowing
  • Institue of Business Ethics Speak Up toolkit https://www.ibe.org.uk/speakuptoolkit.. 

To see the Quarter 4 Speaking Up data from the National Guardians Office please visit: https://www.cqc.org.uk/national-guardians-office/content/speaking-data

National Guardian's Offic Statistics

Q4 data headlines

  • 3,406 cases were raised to Freedom to Speak Up Guardians / ambassadors / champions

  • 928 of these cases included an element of patient safety / quality of care

  • 1,312 included elements of bullying and harassment

  • 122 related to incidents where the person speaking up may have suffered some form of detriment

  • 506 anonymous cases were received

  • 5 trusts did not receive any cases through their Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

  • 220 out of 227 NHS trusts sent returns

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