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Dr Abhishek Ray, Medical Registrar AMU, St Helier | Humans of Healthcare

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Dr Abhishek Ray, Medical Registrar AMU, St Helier

Dr Abhishek Ray, Medical Registrar AMU, St Helier

“I was born in Kolkata, India, where I lived until I came to England in 2018. In India, medicine is a highly respected profession, and I knew as a child that it was what I wanted to pursue. I worked hard at my studies, and focused on my dream of coming to the UK after qualifying. I wanted to be a part of the NHS which, in my opinion, is one of the best medical training systems in the world because of the sheer number of patients all presenting with such a variety of health issues, and the quality of training. I was fortunate to work under UK-trained consultants in India, all of whom only had positive things to say about this country and the NHS, strengthening my resolve to move here. 

“I started at the Trust 10 days after I moved to the UK whilst still getting used to all of the differences between England and India – mostly the weather! The level of support I’ve received from everyone at the Trust has been amazing. It really helped me to settle down in a new country, living alone and working in a healthcare system which is very different to where I’m from. Having experienced this has taught me never to mistake the impact of a simple “how are you doing?”. Two months after I started at ESTH, a patient’s wife asked me that question, and I was overwhelmed that she was caring for me whilst I cared for her husband. Simple acts of kindness and compassion are often the most important. 

“My family still live in India, and I haven’t seen them for over a year now due to COVID-19. Usually I would return home to visit twice a year, but it’s not been possible throughout the pandemic and I miss them. I think of it in similar terms as being a soldier at war. Though I’m not fighting an active war, the war against COVID-19 is real and our medics are the army on the frontline. Whilst it continues, it’s not safe to see my family, but I know they’re proud of me.  

“To work in medicine you need three things: patience, a willingness to learn, and the ability to adapt. Don’t be scared to ask questions, and keep an open mind. A career in medicine is like an Indian curry: it can be hot, but it’s always enjoyable.” 

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