Your feedback
The views of the people who use our services are important to us. We want to know when things have gone well, but also when we don’t get things right, so we can try to improve and learn from our mistakes.
How do I thank staff and make suggestions?
We want to hear about your ideas and the good experiences you have. You can thank staff, send compliments and give us suggestions in a number of ways.
You can email PALS at or write to our Chief Executive at:
St Helier Hospital
Wrythe Lane
You can also have your say on NHS Choices, or give us your feedback by completing the NHS Friends and Family Test (available online, on wards, in A&E and in outpatients).
How do I raise a concern?
Most patients are happy with the care they receive in our hospitals, but we realise that there may be times when we do not get things right. When this happens, we need to know.
Most concerns can usually be sorted out straight away by the staff caring for you or your relative or friend. If you want to talk to someone not directly involved in your care or the care of your relative or friend, you can speak to someone in our PALS Team. Find out more about the Patient Advice and Liaision Service (PALS).