Our financial transactions over £25,000

We want to be as open and transparent as possible and as part of this, we publish our financial transactions of £25,000 and over.  And as you would expect, we try to be as efficient as possible and make every single penny count.  The information published includes details of how much was spent, in which area of the hospitals, what it was spent on, and who the supplier was.

While most of our expenditure is published, it is important to note that some figures are not included. This includes expenditure specifically excluded under the freedom of information and data protection acts, for instance where it’s 'commercially sensitive' and could prevent us getting special discounts from suppliers.

Personal information, which is protected by the Data Protection Act includes:

  • Salary payments to staff
  • Pension and National Insurance contributions
  • Severance payments
  • Payments to individuals from legal process - compensation payments and legal settlements
  • Money administered on behalf of a client.

Commercially sensitive information exempt under the Freedom of Information Act includes:

  • Settlements made with companies as part of an arbitration or legal process, which is conditional on confidentiality
  • Potential betrayal of a commercial confidence, or prejudice to a legitimate commercial interest.

Finally, any transactions that are not defined as 'expenditure' for this purpose would also be excluded, such as transactions relating to the financing or underwriting of debt.

To ensure the information published here is available quickly for members of the public to see, it is presented in the same way in which it is recorded within our financial systems. As such, information relating to some transactions might be limited or words might be used which are not commonly used outside of the NHS or within finance.

Please note: We publish the same data in two different formats - in PDF format for easy access by the public and in CSV format for importing the data into a database.

Key contacts

If you would like further information about a specific transaction, you should contact our freedom of information department via email foi@esth.nhs.uk, quoting the relevant transaction reference.

More information


Folders (2)

Name Files
CSV files 137
PDFs 136

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