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Abseil St Helier on 25 April

Abseil St Helier on 25 April

Picture yourself, standing on the edge of the building, views across South West London, harnessed in and ready to take on new heights whilst supporting your local hospital.

Now is your chance to turn that vision into reality by registering your interest for the Abseil St Helier by Epsom and St Helier Hospitals Charity.

Date: Friday 25 April 2025

Time: Various slots all day

Registration Fee: £25

Minimum Sponsorship: £145

We know the thought of abseiling can be intimidating, but taking on a challenge like this will not only see you conquer your fears but help to raise much needed funds for our hospitals.

You don’t need any prior experience or be a seasoned daredevil- our experienced instructors will guide you every step of the way, ensuring your safety and comfort throughout the challenge.

We aren’t taking official sign ups just yet, but in the meantime you can register your interest for a place and look through our FAQ’s by visiting

Any questions? Get in touch with Epsom and St Helier Hospitals Charity directly on

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