#Hellomynameis - starting at the beginning
We are part of a campaign to make sure that all of our staff introduce themselves to patients.
We joined the #hellomynameis campaign in November 2014, after an inspirational and humbling visit from Dr Kate Granger, an acting consultant in elderly medicine, who was diagnosed with a terminal form of a rare and aggressive cancer in 2011, aged just 29.
Kate told our staff and volunteers that during an admission to hospital as a result of her condition, Kate realised that barely any of the hospital staff introduced themselves to patients, but when they did, the impact was huge. So she wrote a blog about it, read Kate's blog here (opens in a new window). The post soon went viral, and the start of Kate's now famous #hellomynameis campaign was born. She published two books view the books (opens in a new window), regularly appeared in the media (see her telegraph article (opens in a new window) and picked up an HSJ award in 2014. Sadly Kate passed away in 2016, but her legacy (the campaign) lives on.